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Shipping and handling:My standard handling time for all items is 3 business days. While items may ship sooner, this is not guaranteed. Please note that business days exclude holidays and weekends. If your item\'s delivery is time-sensitive, please contact me, and I will do my best to accommodate your request.
Combined Shipping:Items eligible for combined shipping will automatically update when added to your cart. Combined shipping is not guaranteed for items not purchased together in one order. Combined shipping discounts do not apply on Best Offers.
International shipping:International shipping is available exclusively through the International Shipping Program, with shipping prices determined by .
Lost items:If your package is delayed by the post office, please initiate a missing mail search request before contacting me. This often helps locate missing packages.
response:If you\'re satisfied with your purchase, please consider leaving positive response. Should you encounter any issues, please contact mebeforeleaving negative response, and I will work to resolve the matter promptly.
All items are from a smoke free home.
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